728x90 반응형 Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord The Mass of Easter Day.2 ENG. Sunday, Mar. 31, 2024. [ 백/White ] Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord The Mass of Easter Day. [ 백/White ] Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord The Mass of Easter Day. As Sunday is the culmination of the week, the Easter Sunday Mass is the pinnacle of the liturgical year. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, who triumphed over death and evil, is a source of immense joy and hope for all Christians. It is the cornerstone of our faith. The Easter Sund.. 2024. 3. 31. ENG. Sunday, Mar. 31, 2024. [백/White] Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord The Mass of Easter Day. [ 백/White ] Easter Sunday The Resurrection of the Lord The Mass of Easter Day. The Easter Vigil, also known as the Great Vigil of Easter, is the most solemn and important liturgy in the Catholic Church. It is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the foundation of the Christian faith. It is a time of waiting and watching, as the faithfu.. 2024. 3. 31. 이전 1 다음 728x90 반응형